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HW 2.0 Practical design


I started designing the circuit board for the mentioned HW. But a lot of things changed during his design. First of all, I found a small DC motor with a gearbox in one e-shop, which would be suitable for filming the entire LNB to set the correct skew. I also got to try out professional products that use servomotors for their control. It was already becoming clear to me that I would have to expand my design with another HW interface. That's why I stopped work on the development of the HW 2.0 prototype. I leave his description in the archive as study material. I would like to point out, however, that this version has never reached the stage of a functional prototype. Therefore, it was not possible to verify that the schema does not contain any errors. At the same time, it also means that I will not develop any control program for HW 2.0. Work on HW version 2.0 has been permanently stopped.


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